Tuesday, May 24, 2005

most affordable city?

It seems from a report in CNN Money today that my college town is the most affordable city to live in. Or rather that you get the most mileage out of your dollar.

Now this is all fine and dandy, and yay New London, you're famous for something now. But does this really matter when you can't spend your money on anything because there is nothing to do in New London?

I mean bowling perhaps, but seriously? There are the cities nearby that you can shop in, or the casinos nearby, but there is not much going on in New London.

This doesn't really explain though why I was always broke in college. This should mean that my money went further, and really when I think about how little I was getting, and that it would be gone in like a week in other cities, I guess it does help explain that.

Seriously though. What is there to do in New London that doesn't involve shopping.

Ideas anyone?


Anonymous said...

lyman allan art musem?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nah, we didn't do any of that in new london...