Wednesday, December 14, 2005

it's a numbers thing.

Time I have left to finish my final paper?

5 hours.

Time I have left to sleep if I take 5 hours?


Number of hours where I'll either be in training or meetings at work today, and so should be cognitive?

At least 3.

Pages I have left in my paper?

Who knows. At this point I have to finish making my point. I thought an hour ago that it would only be an hour.


Add citations. This last part being my least favourite.

Oh? And I have a social dinner this evening, where, you know, I should be social. That I'm looking forward to, even if I might come off sounding like a pure idiot. Because? I'll be fucking done for the semester. Hallelujah!!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

worst timing ever!

Due to obsession with coffee, and multiple purchases of said coffee (and it all just started with the love of the Blueberry compliments of Stretch), I've been drinking quite some coffee lately.

Granted, I love the coffee, and buying it really is an attempt to save money, plus it's so much better than the the free coffee available at work. Plus? It's awesome.

With the semester coming towards an end though, I find myself once again, not only drinking coffee in the morning but at night as well.

I might have, most definitely, gone overboard with my last order from Green Mountain. It was becauase I had to save from the month before and buy the coffee later - and there was pumpkin, pumpkin!, being offered. I mean I love anything pumpkin. Plus other holiday awesome sounding coffee. So of course ordered the pumpkin, and gingerbread. And eggnog. And caramel vanilla cream swirl. And cinnamon cream swirl (it was supposed to pretty much be akin to tasting a cinnamon bun).

Most of the flavours were pretty disappointing. Especially the pumpkin. Like, it's fine, but it's not great, or awesome, or amazing, or anything akin to having a pumpkin spice latte. Which really? Totally a happy ending in a cup. I mean, buying all these bags of coffee is really an attempt to save money by not going to Starbucks. I mean, really, really? Five fucking dollars for a latte? It's robbery. Plus the fact that as an establishment I don't like Starbucks either.

Despite my not liking Starbucks, I have to admit they make a mean fucking holiday latte. Pumpkin spice? Check. Gingerbread? Check. Peppermint (though this year it's a mocha - but still)? Check. Eggnog? Check. They're awesome and every single time I see a huge bus poster for them, I want to rob the person in front of me and hightail it to Starbucks.

I was kind of overly optimistic I guess because the Blueberry was so awesome. The only flavours that were really good out of the new batch were Eggnog and Caramel Vanilla Cream Swirl. Especially the latter, which is kind of a happy ending. As much as you'll get one that doesn't cost $5. I mean pumpkin was okay, but the Gingerbread and Cinnamon one...well. I had to power through. It was really, really disappointing. Still not done with the pumpkin, bought two bags, and I've been saving the last of Eggnog and Caramel.

So today, I decided, maybe if I buy it today it won't be in this month's AmEx bill. And? I wanted more of the good stuff - I was tired of powering through. That might be because I've been drinking so much and am so utterly fucking stressed out.

Anyway, ordered more Eggnog and stocked up (at least I know this time that it won't become available all year like Blueberry did), and a few others. Essentially, just over the $50 line.

Got an email a couple of minutes ago that said all purchases over $50 for a short period of time will have free shipping.

Like four hours later! Instead I'm paying like eight fucking dollars for shipping.

Fuck. You. Again! Green Mountain. I mean really. Each time.

Last time you said Blueberry was seasonal so I stocked up on that shit because we were about to switch seasons, and then suddenly it's Pumpkin and Blueberry is available all year. So I have to wait to order the other awesome sounding coffee.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005


It's um, a little bad that I just opened my birthday card from my mother really, really early.

But then? It didn't say "Happy Birthday" and maybe it was just supposed to a hang in there, with a cat and everything man, because I've been sick and stressed out.

Plus? Two things I'm waiting for in the mail haven't arrived yet.

So I know of, slit it open to see if the card seemed to be birthday themed. Unfortunately? Nothing to give it away. So I ended up opening the entire thing and looking at the cover, which still doesn't really allude to birthday, but I'm pretty sure that's the card.

Since this will be the only physical mail I'll be opening on my birthday, I shoved it back into the envelope as quickly as possible and retaped it up.

That should be the same, right?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

World AIDS Day.

AIDS is nothing to be forgotten - something society seems to be doing.

Today is World AIDS Day, something my high school was always very consciencious about. It could have been the fact that WHO headquarters were there, but I always felt a little bit better by doing something that day.

Donating something towards the cause, and what I think is most important is maintaing visibility of the disease.

Bristol-Meyer Squibb is donating $1 for every candle lit today HERE.


Help the cause.

It takes two seconds.

Hopefully, we'll soon have a cure.