Wednesday, July 13, 2005

about the size of a stick of butter.

Everyone was atwitter with excitement concerning the birth of a panda bear at the DC zoo. The zoo has been trying for years to get the Mei Xing pregnant. Along with some failed attempts, there were the deaths of the panda bear babies before 3 months. I mean there was even a pregnancy watch last year, that just turned out to be a fluke.

In fact, they didn't even know if Mei Xing, who is on loan to the zoo, was pregnant or not until she gave birth.

The DC Zoo is now being cautious and not interfering with mother and child, seeing as on the three previous occassions the babies died. Though, supposedly Mei Xing is showing signs of being an exemplary mother. Good for her! Hee.

All this discussion is so funny, but the funniest part was the constant description of what a baby panda looks like. That it is small, and bare, and about the size of a stick of butter. Which, as DCist said, ew.

Due to the hands off-ness, and that camera looking into Mei Xing's area where you can't see jack shit, it's a little difficult to picture. So imagine my joy when I stumbled upon baby pictures of two panda bears.

Fucking adorable, huh? Hard to picture them being big ol' bears. Another interesting fact was that China, because the panda's are on loan, I assume, get to name the baby bear. Hope it's something interesting.

In sad, related news, Mei Mei, 36, and the oldest living panda bear, died in a zoo in China on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

those are pandas?

Okay, now I'm curious...when do they start growing hair and looking like...bears?

they're kinda cute in their own way.

Anonymous said...

never mind, i found the answer: