Thursday, April 27, 2006

a new view.

I clearly have to credit Killer with making photography and other art more interesting for me. Or, you know, piquing my interest in it past, say - Annie Liebovitz - or Ansel Adams. Not to say I don't enjoy their work. It's just. Easy. If that makes sense.

Which, did you know Annie and Susan Sontag were lovers until Susan died? Who knew? The things you find out. It kind of makes Annie seem cooler. I digress.

When I was a kid I really liked art, and I especially liked to draw. Markers, watercolor, pencil, charcoal, oil paint - didn't really matter. But, as I got older (read: started drinking, smoking, and hanging out with friends in the latter years of high school) I was more interested in hanging out and I essentially thought my stuff wasn't that great. And? It wasn't. But I still loved it.

I have to admit though that I wasn't that drawn to photography as art. Or at least I didn't really think about it - and I wasn't exposed to it as thus very much.

Killer - with her preference for the photography - really opened my eyes to thinking more about photography and now I am totally digging photography and she's even teaching me to be a snob about it too.

Though...I do have to say that I still like a lot of the more mainstream stuff than she ever would.

Okay, long post short. I discovered this photography blog - I'd say around the time I was still reading every -ist created. Man, those were good times. Anyway, this guy is a photographer in the UK and I fucking love his photos. I save them for work screensaver. Sometimes you're like, really? That's a photograph? And I have no idea how he takes some of them, but I think one of the reasons I love them so much is because of the coloring. Either very vivid or blue-ish. Anyway, it's nothing shocking or earth-shattering but I love going.

Plus? I think anything that can provide a new viewpoint of something seen everyday can be enjoyable. So this was procrastination tool for the day. I guess I really should try and finish my paper for class tonight.

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

yo, thanks for the link...and yeah, it does make annie seem cooler.