Tuesday, April 25, 2006

crawling to the bloody finish line.

I don't know why this semester has seemed both particularly rough and busy as well as flying by rather quickly. Like, I can't believe that I'm already crawling to the end of the fucking finish line.

Like, serious hands and knees and bloody stumps crawling, but still another semester under the belt. Though I guess the official end is still off and this fucking ridiculously time consuming journalism course is throwing me off because my final is due tomorrow.

Just in case you're wondering. Ugly has set up in my apartment and isn't planning on leaving for quite some time.

So of course that means it's time for me to procrastinate blog.

I guess it's turning into a ritual.

All I can think about though - and I know it's because I'm totally fucking stressed out - is the end of next month in NYC and seeing Shortie's play and seeing CBF and celebrating and having an awesome time.

Of course I'm not thinking about the fact that I'll have started summer classes by then, plus my internship, and of course work. Clearly Ugly will be fucking me all summer long.


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