Thursday, March 09, 2006

undergrads suck.

I was in the bathroom during the break in seminar tonight and three undergrad girls were talking discussing whether they really were going to be let out of class early.

One essentially said, I hope we're out by nine because I can't get ahold of anyone and I need to go the liquor store.


Wednesdays always pretty much suck for me.

And, today is no exception, though Sam Beam is currently helping me through the rough period. And no. That's not a typo about Jim Beam. That'd be AWE-SOME though. Who doesn't love a little bourbon.

I don't know why it seems to be a countdown to Fridays this semester. Burn-out already?

On another note, in a complete surprise, Chloe won Project Runway, my new guilty pleasure. I was positive it was going to be Daniel V. or Santino. In no way did I expect Chloe to even be in the running. Especially since her clothes kind of looked like crap, or as Santino said, "Like a couch was coming at ya."

I love Chloe because she's this cute, little tiny package who seemed like a pretty awesome person and generally pretty talented, but her final show was rather crap, and so I'm not sure how I feel about her winning. I did have to love though how she's like, what?, 4 feet tall, or could at least qualify for disability benefits because of her height and she picked the tallest model. So everytime they're standing next to each other she looks like a fucking hobbit. I don't know, maybe I keep on expecting her to start going on about her 'precious' patterns.

I do have to say, after Daniel's seemingly sudden transformation into an arrogant jackass last week, I guess I should just be happy with him not winning. Especially since his smug fucking interviews would seem that much worse considering I'm sure they taped their segments afterwards.

Oh the fuck well. It's 3 to 3. I guess I should be trying to finish my paper.

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