Thursday, July 27, 2006

it's amazing what sleep can do.

I never really do get enough sleep. Mostly that has to do with grad school and then going out on the weekends and staying out until the wee hours of the morning. Or, you know, staying up until the wee hours of the morning watching shit on my FauxVo.

I've been particularly struggling these past few days. It might have to do with the fact that I didn't get much sleep in Atlanta, nor did I get very good sleep when I did sleep. You know how you never really feel rested with that alcohol sleep? You know, you wake up, still feel groggy. It doesn't help when both days you also have to wake up at like 10 in the morning after staying up well past midnight.

In class on Monday night my head was doing that inadvertent head bob thing. You know where you're sitting up and it just kind of snaps down a little? Yeah. That one. I was sitting there physically trying to keep my eyes open with my hands and my head would still do the snap bob. Unfortunately I didn't have anyone sitting in front of me either to sort of shield my behaviour. And because my professor was once a spy for the CIA I figure he's probably more observant than the normal professor. It took the dude sitting next to me to mention first being a missionary, and then elaborating and mentioning being a Mormon missionary. Really? Like, really? Where the hell did that come from? Could explain the very gauche white tube socks with black shoes and black slacks. Though that can't necessarily be forgiven.

Anywho, so I didn't really have the chance to catch up on sleep because of a paper due last night, either on Monday or Tuesday. So last night after class and watching a little TV I went to bed at 10:30. I mean it was totally bizarre. It did take a little while to fall asleep and then I was wide awake first at 2 in the morning and then 5 in the morning. And then I woke up before my alarm clock. But shit, I've finally got energy today.

I'm also the only peppy person in my cubicle space right now. I think I might be a touch annoying right now, but I'm just pumped that I've got energy. Hopefully I can actually achieve work work today!


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Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »