Tuesday, July 15, 2008

jet-lag totally blows.

Perk of the new job: international travel.

Sucky part of the new job: no time to recover from international travel before being back and the job.

Suddenly you find yourself sitting at your desk at about 3 pm thinking about what you can do to keep yourself awake. Possibly convincing yourself that literally punching yourself in the face will make you feel better. Or at least more alert.

That lack of actual cognitive ability makes me wonder what use I am as a member of the team. Or you know, running my own little section.

You're probably thinking. Wait? She's employed. And not dead? WTF?

It's been essentially a year. Or at least practically. I haven't blogged since moving to NY - and I essentially have already become an obnoxious New York City resident. Or I should actually mention obnoxious Manhattan resident.

It makes you wonder about whether or not a site will expire if you do nothing with it. Or if in 40 years this site will still be up and my words will still be here. The thought of that permanence kind of freaks me out. Not quite sure if that's just a symptom of my commitment issues though.

I'm just impressed I still remember the address to this site.


Anonymous said...


You're gone nine months and nothing about Killer? No music reviews? What about your large dependance on television? Nothing about that also!

That's what blows, missy.

karen said...

Holy crap. What are the chances? A comment within 24 hours. Now I'm wondering what friend actually thought to look at the blog...though I could hazard some sort of guess....How about I'm just warming up again.

Anonymous said...

I was actually thinking that perhaps you've gone all Miley Cyrus and/or you've not been able to pry your eyes and mind away from afternoon network soap operas.

I've seen that happen and let me tell you.....it's waaayy ugly.