Sunday, September 18, 2005

shock and aww

It's interesting. Every year with each awards show, I pretend that I'm not going to watch. And I also pretend to not care who wins because I'm upset with half the people that are nominated and shocked by those that aren't.

This year was especially horrible.

Patricia Arquette, who seemingly is incapable of expressing an emotion because she lost that emotive capability when born I'm assuming, won for best actress in a drama. What the fuck? She was the last person I thought who would win. I was wondering if the other actresses in the category were all, "really?" I mean she had some typical competition. The ones that the Emmy voters enjoy nominating and whatnot, but it was so bizarre.

I thought I was going to be most upset by the fact that Arrested Development was going to be robbed of a Best Comedy award by Desperate Housewives which is over-rated drivel in comparison, and not really a comedy. Wrong. I was okay with Everybody [Hates] Raymond winning because that wasn't unexpected and it wasn't DH.

Though how can a series that is nominated three times in the best writing for a comedy and wins! in that category not win for actual best comedy? I think I was okay with it because at least AD won for best writing in a comedy series.

Are Emmy voters actually watching the shows they're being sent? I mean Patricia Arquette? I mean most winners were to be expected, but really?!?!

And Ellen. I love you. I love your show. I think you're awesome, and I'm surprised that they were able to make you un-funny. You were the best thing about the Grammy's two years ago with the rotating hosts. I've watched your specials. You're hilarious. I was saddened by your hosting. Yet? Couldn't look away despite the pile of reading I need to do.

The best part might have been with Kristin Bell sang Fame. Stupidest gimmick ever, but Kristin rocked the song and reminded me why I was excited about watching Veronica Mars again. It's been too long and I hope you don't suffer a soph slump like every other show on the planet.

Except for Arrested Development, whose second season might have been better than the first, which is pretty impressive. I can't say enough about it. Thank goodness Fox hasn't cancelled it yet, and everyone in the world should watch it tomorrow at 8 on Fox. Do it. It'll be the best half-hour of your day.

Funny, how the reading is still there. Hours ahead of me. Awesome. And I'm sitting here posting about the trite Emmys.

I guess the semester really has begun again.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ellen was a train wreck?

Somehow that doesn't surprise me, but is very sad.