Monday, October 01, 2007

i quit!

Today was the day where the girl who cried quit (me) finally gave in her resignation letter.

It was...a little anti-climatic.

I've been hemming and hawing for weeks (since the middle of August) about when I would actually leave and when I would give my letter in. Due to the fact that it isn't due to a necessity (a rocking new job opportunity) I've been able to vacillate between dates. Plus? Do you give your job that you hate 2 weeks, or are you nice and give them a few weeks so they can find your replacement? Are they going to become even douchier once they know? Is that even fucking possible? All good questions I was asking myself.

I do have to say though that this Spring slash Summer I was totally inspired by those Sharpie commercials. You know the ones where the whole slogan is "Say it loud!" And one of the commercials showed a person starting their resignation letter and they ultimately take a Sharpie and violently scrawl "I QUIT!" on the pad. Brilliant. I wanted to date and kind of walk out the door giving the finger.

Unfortunately, paperwork being able to follow you where it may, and that unfortunately I need them for a true feelings couldn't be voiced.

I also have to admit I was a little nervous about handing it in; both for my boss' reaction and that it really, truly means that I'm leaving. A tidge scary. And? I've never quit before.

I went into my co-workers office and asked if she had ever handed in a resignation letter before and she said she hadn't. And the best part? She said she just stopped showing up for work! Ha! Albeit, she did follow-up that behavior with explaining that those were usually waitressing jobs. She did say mostly though...

But the letter was handed in, the Boss promised a reference, and I guess I'm really leaving. ..


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