Saturday, February 18, 2006

addicted to a bucket of margarita.

I'm so excited I can't even stand it.

CBF is going to be here in 7 hours.

I feel like it's been for-fucking-ever since I've seen him.

So my stomach was having a party tonight - due to the fact that I had a variety of different things to eat. Some of which included 2 to 3 year-old peanut butter on a piece of toast...

Yeah. I know.

So my stomach was NOT doing well...and as I was on the phone with CBF and mentioned that I thought the frozen margarita's would be really good for my stomach.

So. I started.

And then just kept on going because I forgot how fucking awesome they are.

I can't even begin to say how tasty and awesome they are.


CBF is ocming!!!!

Mimosa's at 7 tomorrow morning!

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